S.N. Crop/Enterprise Thematic Area* Technology Demonstratedmber Details of Popularization Methods Suggested to the Extension System Horizontal Spread of Technology
1 Pigeon Pea Introduction of short duration pulse crop Variety + INM Field day, Crop cutting experiment, Result demonstration, Small group meeting, Exposure visit etc. No. of Villages : 20
No. of Farmers : 170
Area in ha : 17.0
2 Wheat Integrated crop management Variety + INM, Line sowing, Use of Herbicides Method demonstration, Result demonstration, Small group meeting, Field day, Exposure visit etc. No. of Villages : 20
No. of Farmers : 260
Area in ha : 25
3 Paddy Integrated crop management Variety + INM, Line sowing, Use of Herbicides Method demonstration, Result demonstration, Small group meeting, Field day, Exposure visit etc. No. of Villages : 10
No. of Farmers : 71
Area in ha : 5.0

* Thematic areas as given in Table 3.1 (A1 and A2)